hej, I’m Keri
I’m a Kiwi mum in Denmark living with a Dane (The Dane) and our daughter (BBB) in Copenhagen.
We moved to Denmark in 2016 and ever since then I’ve been trying to work out the secret to living with a Dane when you’re nothing like a Dane. I’m writing a book about it so if you fancy, follow #nothinglikedane for more updates (or check back here for updates), it’s due for release early 2021. If you’ve ever lived with someone of another nationality, you’ll understand. It’s not all hygge and pastries, even in Denmark.
I named my blog, Bilingual Backpack Baby (BBB), after my daughter. She’s now aged 4 going on 14 (and clearly no longer a baby), but never the less the name stuck and so too does the name of this community.
I hope you find the ‘Bilingual Backpack Baby’ community a fun source of both entertaining and accurate information about finding your way in Denmark (to be honest it is more about my adventures than BBB’s). So whether you are new to Denmark, are dreaming of living in Denmark or just have a fascination about all things Danish (or all things New Zealand), you should find something of interest in this community.
“Life can be busy. Life can be complicated. But when given an option you should always make life an adventure. Do it while you can because one day you might not have the choice.”
countries visited by BBB & team, to date:
New Zealand, UAE, Denmark, Italy, Singapore, Rarotonga, Sweden, Ireland