Bilingual Backpack Baby

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Easter on The Block

Not content with 'just' renovating BBB's new room in our Copenhagen apartment (like most new parents) the Dane took on the ambitous project of renovating (or more accurately, re-building) an entire apartment before we arrived/as we arrived.  Awesome. 

A lot of progress has been made since we arrived last week (we now have running water in the kitchen, a shower in the bathroom and a toilet that is not in the kitchen.  We are blessed).  But essentially we're still somewhat living in our own Danish version of the DIY TV programme The Block.

BBB awaiting progress on 'The Block' DK

So Easter is just a long renovation weekend for us (or rather for the Dane) with a little bit of catching up with friends.    Lucky for the Dane he has a whole 5 days to work on the apartment as the Danes celebrate Easter in style with one extra day of holiday (Skaertorsdag on the Thursday prior to Good Friday).  But otherwise learning the Danish easter traditions will have to wait until next year.

We have managed a couple of walks around our neighbourhood enjoying the spring bulbs which are starting to appear - yellow crocuses my personal fav.    Helpfully we also have a very good bakery not far from where we live and co-incidentally most walks end up finishing at this location.  Uncanny.   Question for me to ponder though is how many pastries a week allows a pastry to still be a 'treat'.  

Normally I take BBB in the frontpack to the Bakery - thus not having to navigate the we had the Mountain Buggy pram.  Was conflicted as to whether or not to leave her on the sidewalk while we brought our daily pastries.  Pastry v's the Pram. It is all small steps to living Danishly.

Small win today with a new baby balaclava to help me dress the BBB more appropriately for outdoor excursions.  Although it appears I still have work to do in mastering the dressing of BBB scandi style.  Refer photo below. On the positive one side of BBB's face was very warm.

Easter learnings:

- Easter blomsters (flowers) are a 'thing' and very pretty

- A pastry a day is possibly one too many

- It is possible to get to know your neighbours while living in an apartment without ever seeing them.  I am now able to identify four neighbours by sound.  Including Mr Midnight TV watcher and Mr Squeaky Bedsprings.

How was your Easter?



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